June 3 - 7

6th - 12th grade | $285

Mountain City Church YTH Camp is a time for kids to get out in nature to unplug, connect with friends, and learn God’s Word. Our team will challenge and come alongside your children with lessons, activities, and opportunities that will intentionally help your children grow their character, their willingness to try, their relationships, and their faith.

What to Pack

Sleeping bag and pillow
Bathroom stuff (towel, toothbrush, soap, stuff like that)
Extra clothes that can get dirty
Any medication you may need
Great attitude

Don't Pack

Electronic devices or phones
Food…we’ll have plenty
Poor attitude


I, the undersigned, do hereby give permission for
to attend and participate in Mountain City Church Youth Winter Camp at Little Beaver Camp. I authorize the use of any photos of my child, taken in connection with camp, to be used in future advertisements and sales to include being placed on the MCC website. I consent to whatever medical care may be required for the welfare of my child. I release Mountain City Church and Little Beaver Camp from all liability and agree to pay all expenses incurred in connection with the medical services that may be rendered pursuant to this authorization.